Winter Dragon Brotherhood is a dystopian paranormal romance series with fairy tale themes. This series is now complete.


Fifty years ago Cy aliens made contact with Earth. They appeared to be a peaceful race, and so we allowed them to settle into our orbit space but not make contact with the Earthlings – us.

A little over a decade ago, volcanos erupted all over Earth causing massive destruction to living life. Ice Age followed. What is Ice Age? Basically it’s when we all live in perpetual winter. For this fictional Age, I’ve gone with something like this and I dropped the temperatures about 12 degree C. This is enough to sustain icebergs and make things more complicated for the characters. The setting is especially important to the overall plot, and that’s when we get to the meat of the world.

So we have Mother Nature in charge of elemental dragons. A decade ago she gifted four men with dragons and control of the elements.

Today, the men are dragon shifters but they can’t control their elements. This is where I have to stop typing because all will come in book one.

The idea for this world came to me several years ago. I wrote a book under a different pen name (not in use). The world was HUGE and the book took to high fantasy (not on Earth) where I lost most of the few people who have read it. It was so complicated and unclear that I pulled the book off and set it aside. But the main idea of elements and spirits stayed with me. I decided I wanted to write this world and I think, this time, readers will be clear as to how the world works.

The romance?

It’s what I wrote in the Beast mate series. Dominant alpha males who love hard and fuck harder.

I’ll see you inside the pages!

